WInter Blues (Winter Grays Really)
Well here we are in the midst of another typical Midwestern winter. The 'winter' weather always finds a way to somehow put a damper on one of my weekly plans, weather that be delaying my travel due to snow/ice or the rain showers that soaks me while walking to class, the Midwestern winter weather is usually not a treat. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow, I love to snowboard and its beautiful and a wonderful break from the green of spring and summer, but my problem with the weather here is its inconsistency. Last week we had freezing rain coating the streets and highways and yesterday it was 65 degrees and raining. Its enough to make you go crazy. However, this winter, I must say we have been graced with an unusual amount of sunny skies in the month of January (in Columbus anyway). Its nice when it is cold but still sunny. A lot of people in my classes who are from out of state (mostly from the south or west coast) complain about getting seasonal depression here in the winter time. Its not unusual to not see the sun for weeks. I guess after 2o years I am used to it...but this week the gray skies have seemed to make my days just a little bit mundane.
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